
上田誠也 2008/06/15

 中国の四川地震や岩手・宮城地震で、地震予知の問題がとり沙汰されています。予知できないですませていいのかという論議も起きています。今回はこのところ話題に上らなかったVAN法の近況についておしらせします。 VANグループは、1980年代からギリシャにおいて、地電流のモニタリングによって地震の短期予知を実行し続けていますが、実は驚くべき成果をあげているのです。

 この報告は、本年4月の日本学士院例会で、私が紹介したP. Varotsos 教授らの論文 "Investigation of seismicity after the initiation of Seismic Electric Signal (SES) activity until the main shock" の内容が主なものです。この論文は、 従来の地震発生地域、マグニチュード(M)の予測に加えて、発生時期予測の精度を飛躍的に高め、“今後、約一週間ないし数時間以内に地震が発生するだろう”とする方法を提示するものでした。これが如何に一般の常識とかけ離れたものであるかは、申すまでもありますまい。この方法の基礎は、地震発生は統計物理学での臨界現象であるとの考え方です。この考えに基づけば、予知とは地震発生過程が臨界点に達した時を推定することと同義です。

 ここまでは、そういう見解の持ち主もいます。問題はそれを如何にして推定するかです。提示された方法では、臨界点到達時刻は、地電流異常(SES)が観測された直後からの関連地域での小地震の時系列を自然時間(Natural Time)という新しい時間によって解析することで求められるというのです。 因みにNatural Time とは、時間はなにか事象が起きるときに進むのだとするもので、著者たちが過去数年にわたって、臨界現象一般を取り扱うのに有効な時間概念として、Physical Review LettersやPhysical Reviewなどの物理関係の雑誌で展開してきたものです。事実、これを地震現象に適用すると、いくつかの事例で発生予測に役立ったのです。

 上記論文でもいくつかの最近の例が示されましたが、ここではギリシャ西部のPirgos (PIR)地電流観測点で観測された二つの著例をあげましょう(SES観測によって発生地域とMはまず予想可能)。一つは1月14日観測のSES 活動で, その直後からの地震活動は2月12日に臨界点到達が認識され、2月14日にはMw 6.9 地震 (ギリシャ地域での過去20年で最大地震)が36.50N 21.78E で発生しました。このときは臨界点到達近しと、事前にメディアに注意を喚起したので、ギリシャ最大の新聞“ETHNOS”の一面は2月10日にこれを報道しました。もう一つは2月29日―3月2日のSESで、臨界点到達は5月28日、Mw 6.3地震(37.86N 21.5E)発生は5月29日で、死者4、家屋被害200でした。詳しくは、近くProc. Japan Academyに掲載予定ですが、既に日付入りでarXiv database of Cornell University (http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0802/0802.3329v4.pdf)で見ることができます。(関連報道 6/4


* 関連:The Prediction of Two Large Earthquakes in Greece
     Seiya Uyeda and Masashi Kamogawa
     doi:10.1029/2008EO390002, 2008
* 参考:冨澤祐樹、長尾年恭、上田誠也、鴨川仁
     Natural Timeの概念を用いた臨界現象の時系列解析~1995年M7.3兵庫県南部地震への応用例 (JPGU, 2008)

Quake system meets criticism (BBC, 10 August 2008) | Earthquake prediction system "thwarted" (YouTube)


 実は、これらの予知の後も、本年6月8日のM6.3の予知にも成功しています。新しい時間概念に基づくこれらについての詳しいことは、日本学士院紀要の最新号にSarlis et al.論文として掲載されています。これはJ-STAGEでProc Japan Academy, Ser. Bからご覧になれます。(関連報道 6/9, 6/10, 6/13

* Investigation of seismicity after the initiation of a Seismic Electric Signal activity until the main shock
  N. V. SARLIS, E. S. SKORDAS, M. S. LAZARIDOU and P. A. VAROTSOS: Proc. Jpn. Acad., Ser. B, Vol. 84, 331-343 (2008)

Analysis of electrical activity and seismicity in the natural time domain for the volcanic-seismic swarm activity in 2000 in the Izu Island region, Japan (JGR)
S. Uyeda, M. Kamogawa, H. Tanaka

Seismicity and geoelectric potential changes, possibly associated with the seismic swarm activity in 2000 in the Izu Island region, Japan, are analyzed in the framework of the natural time χ, which has been recently introduced as an index of the kth event χ = k/N, where N is the total number of events. The Izu 2000 swarm activity lasted for about 2 months with some 7000 shocks with magnitude M ≥ 3 and five M ≥ 6 shocks, and was preceded by a pronounced electrical activity with innumerable signals that started 2 months prior to the swarm onset. It is shown, first, that the seismicity subsequent to the electrical activity approaches to a critical stage a few days before the occurrence of the first M ≥ 6 shock and, second, that the electrical signals also have the properties characteristic to the critical stage. Despite the big differences in time scale and numbers of electric signals and earthquakes, these features are found similar to those in Greece. The present results suggest that both in Greece and Japan, the electrical activity as well as the subsequent seismicity may have a self-similar structure and exhibits similar dynamic evolution toward critical stage.
Closer to the earthquake prediction as to the time (Enet, May 2, 2009)
"At some point, you will see it in the future, we will be able earthquake forecasting accurately in time. For the heart I think it will be easy to have a clear definition of the place, there will be a deviation of several kilometers. The team BAN showed great work on, I think it will give more important things in science. "
Hunters of earthquakes on the planet (Ethnos, 4.11.2009)
The new achievement of Greek scientists adds to the internationally known system VAN Professor Panayiotis Varotsos from the University of Athens, studying electrical signals 'SES' long impending earthquake that occurs over a period of 2 to 4 months.

The state has only feebly so far support the efforts of the scientists proceed, some important steps forward, the science of seismology - physics.

Especially in the case of Prof. Varotsos, there is the paradox whenever confirmed his predictions, receive passionate attacks from specific portion colleagues!

They are those who continue to argue that there was no provision, even where provisions VAN team have formal confirmation, like last year with the headline of "Sunday Nation" on February 10, which was confirmed after three days.

With great difficulty the team Varotsos doing her studies, having a very limited network of recording stations signals "SES", limited to 10, but much more is needed, covering at least the areas of known seismic activity.

Already the site of Cornell University has existed since March 13, 2009 posted the latest forecast team Varotsos that the familiar words "study area" refers to the Peloponnese and the west sea area, with coordinates: 37.5 North and 38.5. South 19.8 and 23.3.

第9回 2010/01/07 鴨川 仁:ナチュラルタイムの概念による地震活動解析(地震活動セミナー)
最近Natural time という新しい時間概念を用いての時系列解析を行なうことによって、 地震活動が大地震の直前とされる臨界点に達する時期が推定できることが示唆された (Varotsos et al., Phys. Rev. E, 2002)。Natural timeの概念は、 事象はその過程に固有の“self clockあるいはinternal clock”とも言うべき時間によって 進行するのであって、天体の運行、水晶発振、原子時計などで測られる通常の時間(connventional time)に 支配される理由はないという考えに根ざしており、時間は事象が起こったときに進むとする。 地震過程についていえば、時間は地震(閾値を決める必要はある)が起きたときにのみ進む。 N個の地震をふくむ時系列は、k番目の地震(エネルギーEk)がNatural time χ(χ=k / Nで定義される)に 起きたと記述される。次に、時系列から臨界状態であるかを判別する指標はκ1とよばれる 規格化されたエネルギーPkと時間χkをかける”重み付き時間”の概念から得られる値であり、 臨界状態であればκ1の時系列が0.07に収束する。磁性体における相関長の非平衡動的緩和時間を 離散的に取り扱い、Natural timeと重み付き時間の概念から算出されたκ1は0.07になる。 いくつかの事例を元に本概念は、2次相転移のみならず系の状態が巨視的に変化ないしは 大地震のような最大イベント発生前の臨界状態を知るすべになると予想される。
* 参考:非平衡統計物理と破壊(鴨川 仁)

Professor P. Varotsos "breaks" his silence after 15 years (Zouga, March 16, 2010)
After 15 years Professor Panayiotis Varotsos broke his silence and spoke to show "Yellow Press" Maki Triantafillopoulos. Professor of Physics, University of Athens made extensive reference to the records of the team van, but for the noise caused by the Provisions for impending earthquake and the seismic activity of the last period. Other points Prof. Varotsos the video below.

/bestof/!2010/160310/makis me barotso-final2.flv

Read more: The VAN team and concerns for earthquakes, First registration: Tuesday, March 16, 2010, 5:10

Eos Vol. 91 No. 18, 4 May 2010
Comment on "The Prediction of Two Large Earthquakes in Greece"
G. A. Papadopoulos

Reply to Comment on "The Prediction of Two Large Earthquakes in Greece"
By S. Uyeda and M. Kamogawa
* 関連:ギリシャ式地震予知に関するEOS誌上での最近の討論について(石渡 明)

上田 誠也:地震先行時及び発生時における電磁現象のメカニズム [報告書](科学研究費助成事業データベース)

Natural Time Analysis: The New View of Time

They go the billion research on earthquakes? (Newsbomb, 20/02/2011)
Very recently a new war broke out between seismologists in response to the proposal submitted to the Information Society National Observatory for the drastic improvement and modernization of infrastructure instrumental. The proposal, approximately 6,800,000 euros, would be auctioned soon but other seismologists reacted like Mr. C. Papazachos and A. Tselentis, as they say, not participating. Exchanged letters and hard. Reveals that on February 9, 2011 meeting of seismologists caused by the Undersecretary of Education, Mr. J. Panaretos but for now there seems to be ending. From the National Observatory say they hope that both the Information Society and the Ministry of Education will not succumb to pressure from seismologists who respond and will not abort an important project that does not affect anyone, contrary to modernize the observatory which is the coordinating center of seismological agencies.

The last 30 years

Thirty years into the main concerns of the State is and earthquake protection, which occurs in many ways that natural economic ... tingling! Huge funds have been spent to fortify against the suddenly and unexpectedly awakenings of Enceladus. The two main funding sources for earthquakes is the Earthquake Protection Agency, which reports to the Ministry of Infrastructure and the General Secretariat for Research and Technology-than funds coming from the European Union. Also the general secretariats of the Regions, Municipalities and communities can finance activities seismic protection.

The EPPO first opened in 1983 and up to ten years later financed relevant bodies ie without notices. The first official notice was announced in 1992 when she was given 1,467,000 Euro for the implementation of the 65 proposals approved by the 90-tabled. The work on the seismic constructions, properties of earthquakes, seismotectonics and the seismic social defense, which included psychological consequences following an earthquake is extremely essential!


From 1982 to 1989 the group BAN took about two and a half billion drachmas was then that the scientist had given hope to the entire world community. In 1994, the then Education Minister George Papandreou issued Presidential Decree which bind 5 ministries to subsidize with 293,000 euros a year, the fledgling institute at the Physics Department of the University of Athens, whose director was appointed Mr Varotsos. The Institute continues to work for the study of the earth's crust and the money we hope to have grasped place since at least the primary objective, the forecasting is not reached!

In 1999, the Ministry had assigned directly to the two professors microstrip study of the area that gave the quake. Without the involvement of the EPPO or GSRT given directly to a large amount Dimitris Papanikolaou, professor of geology and Mr. P. Marino, engineering geology professor. Discontent among scientists was then great. It seems that these very wager to Mr. M. Pap which in recent months claimed the position of Director of both the observatory and the Greek Centre for Marine Research, but not selected by the leadership of the Ministry of Education.

In 2000, under the terror of the earthquake in Athens EPPO funded dozens of organizations with 1, 5 billion. Then there was neither a known laboratory, engineering or any service that had to do with the earthquakes that did not submit proposals! Three years after the GSRT announces new program called "built environment and seismic risk management" for which he submitted 30 proposals. For 14 adopted allocated about 19 million.

Money are indeed many and the work of seismic protection is huge and evolving. Reasonable course is the question that can go all the money especially since many seismologists occasionally complain about the lack of money in the fierce and unequal "war" to do with earthquakes. Institutions, research, scholarships, field work, measurements, computers, advanced programs, experiments, trips, and they not only spent the money given for earthquake activities.

Reportage: Maria Panagos
Predicting Extreme Events in Natural and Socioeconomic Systems: State-of-the-Art and Emerging Possibilities II (AGU Fall Meeting 2011)
Earthquake prediction in Japan and natural time analysis of seismicity
Uyeda, S.; Varotsos, P.

Earthquake Prediction by Seismic Electric Signals
The success of the VAN method over thirty years

The whole truth about the earthquake prediction method VAN (Newsbomb, 26/05/2012)
Meanwhile, as revealed by documents of the Institute of Physics of the Earth's crust to the Ministry of Culture dated November 4, 2011, 6 by 9 points in the van do not work, as they face a serious maintenance problem. The financial support of the Institute has halted long , although this is provided by the Presidential Decree 322/1994. How much is the fee? Eight thousand dollars a year!
A. Tselentis: Fears of a strong earthquake in Greece (Newsbomb, 28/05/2012)
According to the letter to the Ministry of Culture Varotsos, 6 of the 9 stations that do not have to operate while danger and the operation of other 3.
SOS Varotsos Institute for Physics of the Earth's crust (Zougla, May 28, 2012)
Recognizing the difficulty by P. Varotsos wondering how can the grant of such an important method, which costs just € 8,000 per station and provided by the Presidential Decree number .322/1944 interrupted. Father in his letter Varotsos says some successful predictions of the team van before large earthquakes in Methoni (magnitude 6.9 on the Richter scale) on February 14, 2008 and that same year in Andravida (size 6.5 points) on 8 June.


International Workshop on Electromagnetic Phenomena Associated with Earthquakes and Volcanoes October 1-4, 2012

Preseismic anomalous telluric current signals observed in Kozu-shima Island, Japan
Yoshiaki Orihara, Masashi Kamogawa, Toshiyasu Nagao, and Seiya Uyeda


Earthquakes come soon after half of geoelectric potential abnormalities
(Shizuoka News, 2012.11.08)

Geoelectric changes may help 'predict' quakes: researchers (Japan Times, 2012.11.11)
The researchers observed 19 anomalous changes in the strength and movement of geoelectric currents, 11 of which were proceeded by 3.0-magnitude or stronger quakes within 30 days — a 58 percent rate of occurrence, they reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

"This rate of probability is statistically significant," said Toshiyasu Nagao, a Tokai University professor who coauthored the study. "There is debate over the existence of precursors to earthquakes, but (this study) indicates that some may exist."

The researchers said they excluded geoelectric anomalies caused by factors such as lightning strikes and the sun when determining this rate of occurrence, and reported that a total of 23 temblors with a minimum magnitude of 3.0 struck during the period they examined.

They selected Kozu because of its remoteness and distance from any urban environments, which generate a variety of noises that can effect geoelectricity levels.

Their technique is similar to the so-called VAN method, which was developed in Greece to predict earthquakes based on seismic electric signals. However, scientists have mixed views on the VAN method's effectiveness and purported 60 percent success rate for forecasting temblors.
図書選定結果(平成 24 年 11 月 14 日) (ERI)
Earthquake prediction by seismic electric signals : the success of the VAN method over thirty years/ Mary E. Lazaridou-Varotsos / Lazaridou-Varotsos, Mary S.. -- Springer, 2012. -- (Springer praxis books in geophysical sciences)
Prof. Varotsos presented the evolution of VAN method (Enet, June 8, 2013)
Prediction of epicenter and magnitude of an earthquake in VAN is OK, but how it is able to predict when an earthquake will happen?

"We racked how to determine in a few days when an earthquake will happen," claimed the transceiver. Varotsos. "The signal we months before an earthquake occurs, but we tried to get closer to the event with the theory of Natural Time, which is a new concept for the time which suggested our team. And that we "explains the" E ", referring to mathematical parameter analyzed enough in his speech. The K1, So parameter derived from the theory of Natural Time is the element that shows how close or far we are from an earthquake. When this parameter reaches the value 0.070 approaching the critical point, which means that it is a matter of days to manifest earthquake.

Panayiotis Varotsos Publication List
