1996年9月5日、UNAMは独自の衛星UNAM-SAT Bの打ち上げに成功した世界で第3の研究機関となった。衛星はメキシコの最高学府の科学者たちによって設計され、製造されたものであった。UNAM-SAT Bはロシアの衛星打ち上げ基地プレセツクより航空宇宙軍によって打ち上げられた。UNAM-SAT Bは隕石が大気圏に突入する速度を計り、太陽系内のものかそうでないかを確定するよう設計されたものであった 。 UNAM-SAT Bの打ち上げによって メキシコは世界的な宇宙研究国家グループの有力な一員となった。

The detection of electromagnetic processes in the ionosphere caused by seismic activity (UNAM, 1997)

None of the satellites was designed for the investigation of processes in the ionosphere caused by seismic activity. The results that have been obtained in this field are fortuitous. The Ukrainian space project "Warning" whose scientific leader unt il 1995 was one of us (N. Y. K.) will be devoted to these investigations, and specifically the electromagnetic processes in the ionosphere caused by seismic activity (Kotsarenko et al., 1995). This project is in charge of the Kiev National University (Dep artment of Astronomy and Space Physics) and Pivdenne (Yuzhnoe) Design Bureau (Dnepropetrowsk). The participating countries are Russia, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, France, Germany, and Ukraine.
UNAMSAT-3 will be launched by Cosmos-3M with SAR-Lupe 4 in March 2008.

Langmuir probevariations of the electron density and temperature
Particle detectors110 keV - 80 MeV
HF radiospectrometer0.1 - 15 MHz
GPS receiver�@

Source: Predicción de terremotos con un Nanosatélite Mexicano (UNAM)

In order to MAI UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City) is developing a small satellite with a high specification. Weight of the satellite is 14 pounds. In addition to the MAI, which is the parent organization for this project involves the Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Space Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences, NPO "Energy". Satellite scheduled for launch in late 2009. Also actively developing cooperation with UNAM in the field of science education for the space field.

The project is dedicated to the design, development and operation of satellites up to 15 kg using small modular building units and the entire research complex designed to meet the challenges associated with monitoring space and land. As a matter of priority, which is solved in the first stage the problem of registration of ionospheric precursors of earthquakes and remote sensing.

Contact design: +7 499 158-00-28 obrekhov@mail.ru Developer: Brekhov

Source: Microsatellites (MAI)

The prediction from space

At the end of this year maevtsy sent into space next, the eighth satellite. Another, but unusual: no student, which start today, other Russian and foreign universities, and the original scientific satellite. It all started with the fact that the department "Computers, systems and networks" Faculty of MAI, "Control Systems, Informatics and power", which supports strong ties with many foreign universities, asked colleagues from the University of Mexico UNAM - the largest in the world. The University asked the MAI to prepare Mexican experts in the field of satellite technology. (Training is conducted under the "general agreements on cultural, scientific and educational cooperation between the MAI and UNAM" and "programs of scientific and technical cooperation between Russia and the United Mexican States on the preparation and launching of the Russian-Mexican micro-and nano-satellites to monitor Earth's atmosphere with to earthquake prediction ").

- As part of the learning process to address a serious, urgent problem - says Head of Department, Professor Oleg Brekhov MAI - we decided to create a compact nano-satellite research. For what? If a very simple, in theory it looks like this. Foci of earthquakes excite, create some shifts in the upper crust. Consequently, the active radon gas. It penetrates into the ionosphere at an altitude of about 350-500 km affects the near-Earth space. Under the influence of radon and the nature of the ionospheric parameters are changed. If the space they define and measure, we obtain information on the processes preceding earthquakes. However, not all scientists are fully confident in this theory, since hard data yet, but we support the IZMIRAN, with whom we work closely, and the international community - in orbit is a French satellite, performs the same task.

Why do we set ourselves a challenging goal? Yes, because we think: you can not teach students the knowledge produced "last" for years to walk the beaten paths. And to teach, and work to do in the future, narabatyvaya best practices.

Our team includes scientists from the Swedish Institute of Space Physics. They have developed three instruments that weigh 5-8 times less than the best world samples. And our team has created a scientific system for processing and transmission of data (on-board set and a video camera). This is a huge amount of information, and therefore full length was a problem of how to process and transmit to Earth at high speed. It turned out that there is no radio, which afford to cope with this task. In addition, the satellite must meet many requirements to, say, no problems with its orientation and stability of the flight. In general, the creation, launch and operate a satellite of the appointment and performance at a very limited funding require huge efforts of all participants: MAI, UNAM, JSC "Energia", IZMIRAN, Inc. "Transparent World", the Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences. Truly creative work captures all the scientists and experts, both Russian and foreign students.

Only at our department in this and other projects involving about 20 students. They do research, make presentations at conferences. Our companion interested professionals from Peru have an idea to implement a program of training of Peruvian specialists in satellite technology. We will continue our research. Because our range can be used in the development of satellites for various purposes.

Source: About us (MAI)

  • Earthquake Forecast Science Research with a Small Satellite (34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2002)
    Dr. Susan Jason, Dr. Sergey Pulinets, Alex da Silva Curiel, Prof. Sir Martin Sweeting

    Earthquake Forecast: Yes Or No?
    Yes, Earthquake Forecast is a difficult and potentially dangerous subject.
    Yes, it is imperative to be sure of results and models.
    No, this cannot be accomplished by speculating and thorising alone.
    Yes, more data is needed to be able to conclude either way.
    Yes, it can be done at very low cost.
    Yes, there is a clear way forward if we choose to take it.
    Are we right to say no?
  • Earthquake science research with a microsatellite (Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci. 2003)
    Reliable, repeatable earthquake forecast is a subject surrounded by controversy and scepticism. What is clear is that reliable forecast would be a critical tool for effective earthquake disaster management. It is proposed that satellites and ground-based facilities may detect earthquake precursors in the ionosphere a few hours or days before the main shock. A low-cost 100 kg class satellite carrying a topside sounder is proposed, to make systematic measurements over seismically active zones. The mission aims to confirm or refute the hypothesis of ionospheric earthquake precursors, define the reliability and reproducibility, and enable further scientific understanding of their mechanisms.

    Sergey Pulinets and Kirill Boyarchuk [pdf]


  • Mexico, Russia plan earthquake-detecting satellite (CTV)
  • Mexico, Russia Plan Earthquake-Detecting Satellite (PVNN)
  • UNAM manufacture the satellite to predict earthquakes (NOTICIAS-ACTUALIDAD-UNIVERSITARIA)
  • Creation of Mexican nanosatellite Avanza (NOTICIAS-ACTUALIDAD-UNIVERSITARIA)
  • EARTHQUAKE PREDICTION OF MEXICAN SPACE nanosatellite (Ciencia y Desarrollo, octubre de 2005)
  • Tendra Mexico satelite que ayudaria a predecir terremotos (UNAM)
  • NASA: the forecast of earthquakes can be carried out in practice (Novosti)
  • Tendrá México satélite que ayudaría a predecir terremotos (UV)
    Para diciembre de 2007, la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, en coordinación con la Universidad Estatal de Moscú-Lomonosov, lanzará al espacio el satélite artificial UNAMSat III, cuya misión es proveer información para poder establecer un sistema de detección y predicción de terremotos en México, aseguró el investigador José Luis García García, durante su participación en la tercera Feria Tecnológica Universitaria, organizada por la dirección general de Tecnologías de la Información de la UV.
  • Earthquake Prediction several days in advance (ProAEXA, Dec 14, 2005)
    Ahora el artículo científico de esta semana le toca a México, en entrevista con el Ing. José Luis García García, coordinador de proyectos espaciales de la UNAM, quien también es desarrollador del proyecto para crear la Agencia Espacial Mexicana (AEXA), nos comenta sobre un programa que se desarrolla dentro de esta institución para la “predicción de terremotos por medio de un nanosatélite”.

    Al preguntarle a JLGG ¿Cómo pueden predecir un sismo con días de anterioridad?, nos comenta que de acuerdo a estudios teóricos y experimentales recientes, se ha demostrado que existe la manifestación de algunos fenómenos físicos días antes de movimientos telúricos de gran intensidad. A estas manifestaciones se les ha denominado “precursores sísmicos”.

    De acuerdo al ingeniero existen varios precursores sísmicos, a continuación se mencionan algunos de los más estudiados:
    1. - Emanación de gas radón
    2. - Variación del campo eléctrico terrestre
    3. - Emisión de ondas de muy baja frecuencia (VLF)
    4. - Incremento térmico en la zona de falla
    5. - Modificaciones ionosféricas


  • メキシコとロシア、地震観測科学衛星で協定 (Spaceref)
    メキシコとロシアの研究者が、地殻変動を感知する目的で超小型衛星プロジェクトを立ち上げた。両国の科学者らが合意に至ったと、メキシコ国立自治大学(National Autonomous University of Mexico:UNAM)が発表したもの。

    UNAM宇宙科学部長のヨアン・ラモン(Juan Ramon de la Fuente)氏によると、衛星の重量は10kg程度の超小型衛星で、2007年末に打ち上げられる予定。この衛星により、科学者が地震や海底地震といった地殻変動活動を予想できると期待している。衛星は地下の深い場所で発生する微小な電気的及び電磁気的現象の微細な変化を観測する。

    このプロジェクトは、2005年1月にUNAMとロシアのモスクワ航空大学(Moscow Aviation Institute)との間で調印された合意内容に基づくものである。UNAMは衛星運用に必要な地上局を建設する。
  • Mexico-Russia nanosatellite for earthquakes precursors monitoring (Universat2006)

    Mexico-Russia nanosatellite for earthquakes


  • Mas alla del cielo (4a parte) (esmas)
  • 2nd Alexander von Humboldt International Conference (EGU)
    AVH2-A-00175 Pulinets, S.; Landeros, S.; Garcia, J.-L.; de la Rosa, S.; Brekhov, O.; Grigoryan, O.; Bergman, J.
    Mexican-Russian Nanosatellite for Earthquakes Precursors Monitoring
  • Instrument from Uppsala gives warning of earthquakes (Horizon Uppsala, April 2007)
    Its successor Compass-3 is being launched in December 2008, but new apparatus from Uppsala is planned to reach outer space as early as this year. A Mexican-Russian nanosatellite for earthquake research will contain three Swedish instruments: one from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and two from Uppsala, which bears overall responsibility for the instrument. In addition to a newly developed radio receiver, a socalled Langmuir probe will be measuring electron density in space plasma.


  • The PMU invests 1 million pesos in satellite (Milenio, 16/11/2008)
    Cupatitzio Ramirez explained that the construction of artificial satellite UNAMSat III, is between the PMU, UNAM and the State University Lomonosov Moscow with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE).

    This space object is launched into space in December 2007 and will serve to detect the imminence of an earthquake of more than five degrees on Richter scale, up to five days in advance.

    In this project students work nine UAP and those who have gained experience at the Aviation Institute in Russia and the Lomonosov Moscow State University.


  • MAI cooperation and UNAM (MAI, 12.13.2009)
    The discussion of the project "Development and launch of small satellites to study ionospheric precursors of earthquakes and the Earth Remote Sensing", performed by the Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University) - MAI by order of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), heard reports of the Coordinator of the program of cooperation MAI - UNAM from MAI prof., Ph.D. Brekhov OM and Coordinator of the program of cooperation MAI - UNAM UNAM in Russia from PhD. Saul De La Rosa Nieves. The discussion was attended by Deputy Head of Innovation Development and Infrastructure of the Federal Agency for Science and Innovation Pilipenko VN, Deputy Head of International Cooperation of the Federal Space Agency, Bochkarev A., spokesman for the National Council for Science and Technology of Mexico to the EU Guzman Romero Erika , Minister Counsellor of the Embassy of Mexico in March Peña Jaramillo.

    Speakers noted the high effectiveness of the project. The scientific and technical areas: technical requirements defined by the satellite, a technical project, developed by the engineering research complex jointly with the Swedish IAI Institute of Space Physics (IRF), Uppsala, Sweden, and the Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences (ZKI PAN), Warsaw (Poland). In the academic field: the MAI prepared Mexican specialists of higher qualification - 6 masters and 4 PhD, Mexican experts participated in the formation of technical requirements to the satellite and the creation of complex scientific satellite.
  • Academic Symposium Celebrates 400th Anniversary of Japan-Mexico Relations (Chiba University, October 2-3)
    Theme: Seeking the Way of Living in Harmony with the Nature
    Coordinator: Seiya Uyeda (Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo)

    MAI - Moscow Aviation Institute is responsible for the project.
    The main payload from Taiwan.
    The platform would be produced by Lavochkin enterprise.
  • Project microsatellite detection precursors of earthquakes (Agencias espaciales, April 18, 2011)
    The project CONDOR UNAM MAI, developed by the UNAM with Russia, Sweden and Poland, for the construction of a microsatellite for scientific purposes among which is the ionospheric monitoring, the study of seismic precursors and remote sensing.

    The study base is located in a document of Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society, which establishes the theory that there are electrical and electromagnetic precursors from radon gas emission, electromagnetic field variations in atmospheric emission of electromagnetic radiation and even a modification electron content of the ionosphere.

    From a satellite perspective, with the right equipment, this theory could be tested. To do this, the remote sensing system is based on an opto-electronic system 50m resolution from an orbit of 700 km, instructed the Corporate "Transparent World"

    The Swedish Institute of Space Physics in 2007 reported the development of Space Physics Instrument (PSI) , which is a miniature instrument package on silicon and ceramic substrates, specific to this project.

    * Microsatelite CONDOR UNAM-MAI (UNAM)
  • Mexico, light years of history in aerospace development (Negocios Magazine, August 2011)
    UNAMSAT-2 was built parallel to UNAMSAT- 1 as a twin satellite that would remain on earth to simulate the latter's orbit. It wasn't scheduled for completion until 1995, but after the failed launch of UNAMSAT-1, its twin was put into orbit as UNAMSAT-B. The launch was negotiated with the help of the Moscow Aeronautics Institute (MAI) and took place on September 5, 1996, at the Plesetsk launch complex. Five hours after liftoff, UNAMSAT-B successfully separated and reached an altitude of 1,000 kilometers and an orbit inclination of 83� from the equator. It began transmitting to the portable station set up in Plesetsk at 11:00 p.m. UNAMSAT-III -whose creators claim it can predict earthquakes up to five days before they occur- is scheduled for launch in 2011.


  • Visit of Mexican delegation to the MAI (24.07.2012)
    The second part of the visit, leaders of AEXA Francisco Javier Pacheco and Enrico Mandiety Cabrera was held at the department number 304. Her Head - Professor O. Brekhov, is the head of an international project, whose implementation, in accordance with the Agreement signed in 2010, attended by MAI - the parent organization, UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico), National Taiwan University and National Research NPO. Lavochkin. The main purpose of this joint effort is "Creating and running a mini satellite "Condor-MAI-UNAM", designed for the detection of ionospheric precursors of earthquakes and the remote sensing of the Earth." Mexican visitors during a conversation at the Department discussed the issues concerning the development of the project, decided that the launch of a mini satellite to be held in the summer or autumn 2013.
  • Enter Queretaro to the space age (25.08.2012)
    Queretanos Researchers seek in the future aeronautical cluster becomes aerospace Queretaro

    Researchers at the Center for High Technology School of Engineering at the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM-CAT), Juriquilla campus, participate in two international collaborative space missions to build satellites, with a view to the aeronautical cluster with currently available to the State of Queretaro aerospace become in the future.

    According to the Head of the Center for Advanced Technology (CAT), Dr. Saul Gutierrez Santillan, this is the natural way aeronautical cluster growth Queretaro State.

    However, the intention of these projects will provide trained and experienced when it comes time to take the plunge.

    "Let's talk to some of the companies also have spatial divisions in their home countries to see if we can incorporate some elements and in fact the project for us is a project to build technological capacity in the state, the vision we have and we are sharing with state authorities is that the aeronautical cluster continues to grow and over the years to become an aerospace cluster," he said.

    Predict earthquakes

  • 700 miles high will the orbit in which the satellite is CONDOR UNAM MAI.
  • 1 years i will take even more to complete the drafting of the satellite to detect earthquakes.
  • 48 hours in advance is what we would predict an earthquake satellite, Russian theory prove true enough to evacuate a city.

    "A mission of these in gross numbers, building design, this is a microsatellite, we're talking about that walk between 4 and 10 million dollars, what happens is that we are in a cooperation project ... The benefits exceed the cost because the intangible, is what interests us a lot. Colloquial speaking, the batting average of Russians in this field is very high and have a history of over 50 years of launching satellites, partners are not bad." Santillan Saul Gutierrez, head of the Center for High Technology UNAM.
  • Japan Aerospace 2012
    Tokai Satellite Project, Tokai University
    Mexican Society of Aerospace Science and Technology (SOMECYTA)
    National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)


  • Satellite CONDOR UNAM-MAI: Technical scientific cooperation (Recent Advances in Space Technologies 2013)
    Jose Alberto Ramirez Aguilar, Saul De La Rosa Nieves, Emilio Sanchez Medina, Saul Daniel Santillan Gutierrez, Carlos Romo Fuentes, Jorge Alfredo Ferrer Perez, Oleg M. Brekhov

  • Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space: 2013 (12-21 June 2013)
    CONACYT network for space science and technology development S. Santillan (Mexico)

  • Rector MAI on MAKS and future developments of the university (22.08.2013)
    - Continuing to experiment "RadioSkaf" in the student's program of UNESCO? Has launched a micro-satellites, like the project "Cedar", developed by IAI and Bauman?

    - Yes, of course, we continue to participate in this cosmic experiment. Currently SKKB "Spark" is developing several projects of micro-and nano-satellites. For example, a small spacecraft "RadioSkaf-3" and "4-RadioSkaf" together with the Rocket and Space Corporation "Energia" and the Southwestern State University. They are designed to run from the ISS. Also, together with the Central Research Institute developed a nano-satellite engineering "Iskra-7" with an optimal ratio of "cost-effectiveness". Another development in conjunction with the scientific and production association and the Lavochkin Research and Production Enterprise "Daura" - an international project to predict earthquakes Condor-UNAM-MAI. Another "Iskra-Resource" - microsatellite for fatigue tests of composite materials and advanced aircraft systems.

    * MAI: at MAKS present a platform for the Mars rovers and microsatellites (Moscow region) (i-russia)

    Scientific Microsatellite "CONDOR" UNAM-MAI

    For the development of "CONDOR" UNAM working with the countries of Russia, through Aviatzionni Moscovski Institut (MAI), and the country of Taiwan, with the support of the Central University of Taiwan, will be responsible for donating scientific instrumentation to be up when sent into space, estimating that it will launch in a year or year and a half.

    "With the development of satellite project 'CONDOR', consolidates the group's formation multidisciplinary base capable of covering all key scientific and technological aspects that allow the design and construction of artificial satellites in Mexico," said the scientist.

    He explained that other tasks that have the scientific microsatellite tasks is the remote observation of the national territory, as well as the study of lonosphere.

    He explained that "CONDOR" allow the development of social applications on behalf of Mexico, as the skills that are acquired with the R&D, that develop new business opportunities and services that benefit society as Mexican companies that get into the space sector.

    They offer to the scientific community and corporate technological development, the possibility of developing specific applications with benefits for themselves and the country.

  • Desarrollo de la Tecnología Satelital en el Perú (2013.10.29)
    Prof. Sc D Oleg M. Brekhov Moscow Aviation Institute


  • Small satellites students’ innovation Forum of the Association of Sino-Russian technical universities (2014.4.11)
    Medvedsky A. L., Firsyuk S. O.
    Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
  • Mexico and Russia cooperate in creation of microsatellite Condor UNAM-MAI (2014.6.25)
    Under the scientific technical cooperation agreement between the United States of America and the Russian Federation, the National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM and the Moscow Aviation Institute, MAI, are working to create, launch and operation of a microsatellite the investigation of ionospheric precursors of earthquakes and remote sensing of the Earth.
  • A Complex Engineering Approach for Solution of Multi-aspect Scientific Problem of Ionospheric Variability with Using a Microsatellite (AOGS2014)
    Oleg BREKHOV1#+, Sergey PULINETS2, Jann-Yenq (Tiger) LIU3, Yen-Hsyang CHU3, S. B. JIANG3, T. L. YEH3, Koichiro OYAMA4,5, Alexei DMITRIEV3
    1 Moscow Aviation University (MAI), Russian Federation, 2 Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation, 3 National Central University, Taiwan, 4 National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, 5 Kyushu University, Japan
    #Corresponding author: obrekhov@mail.ru +Presenter

    The development of modern space technologies needs the integration of space and engineering sciences. We present a microsatellite (MS) project devoted to development of a novel experimental method for measurement of complex space phenomena. The basic idea is a complex engineering approach for solutions of multi-aspect scientific problems. The particular scientific problem is ionospheric variability as a complex phenomenon in the lithosphere - atmosphere - ionosphere - magnetosphere chain. Current solar cycle is weak that provides unique opportunities to minimize space weather effects and study the ionospheric variability produced by dynamic processes in lithosphere, ground surface, oceans and atmosphere. The engineering approach is a flexible integration of sophisticated units, beginning from autonomous and intelligent units of portable scientific space instruments to a self-adopting satellite platform for those units. The MS project introduces the collaboration research and engineering activity of teams from National Central University (NCU), Taiwan and Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), Russia. NCU space technology achievements and a great experience of MAI in space explorations make possible successive design of a low-cost MS for complex ionospheric and atmospheric studies. The project provides opportunities to obtain new fundamental results in geophysics and space physics.
  • NEC、メキシコ宇宙庁と衛星開発で協力 (NEC. 2014.8.20)
  • United Nations / Mexico Symposium on Basic Space Technology“Making Space Technology Accessible and Affordable” (20-23 October 2014)

  • Foro de Investigación BUAP-AEM Enero 12 y 13, 2015
    Manuel Alberto Martínez Ruiz Construcción de cámara Schmidt sin placa correctora para proyecto satelital Condor Unam-Mai
    Edgar Martínez Pascual Diseño de cámara Schmidt sin placa correctora para satélite CONDOR UNAM-MAI
  • Una cámara para el satélite Cóndor UNAM-MAI 2015/06/01
    En la facultad de Ciencias Físico-Matemáticas (FCFM) de la BUAP se ha diseñado y construido el prototipo de una cámara que será instalada en el satélite Cóndor UNAM-MAI. Hasta donde los autores de este articulo saben, ésta será la primera cámara diseñada y construida en México que se usará para un satélite que orbitará a 500 km de altura, teniendo capacidad de distinguir objetos separados a un mínimo de 20 metros en la superficie terrestre y captando en cada fotografía una extensión de 18.33 km x 13.75 km.
  • El futuro de la FI en el espacio 2015-10-07
    Jorge Ferrer mencionó algunos de los logros que se han alcanzado: el estatus de Laboratorio Nacional de Ingeniería Espacial y Automotriz que Conacyt le otorgó al CAT; la creación de un módulo terminal en Ingeniería en Sistemas Espaciales para la carrera de Telecomunicaciones, y la alianza con instituciones como el MIT o el Instituto de Aeronáutica de Moscú. Además se aspira a que en un futuro el campus de Juriquilla cuente con un posgrado en Ingeniería Espacial.

    Por otro lado, Saúl de la Rosa enfatizó en la experiencia que proporcionada por los proyectos UNAMSAT-B en 1996 y Cóndor UNAM-MAI, que actualmente se encuentra en la fase de integración del satélite.
  • Proyectos 2015


  • Dr. Saúl de la Rosa Nieves, persistencia en el espacio Jul 26, 2016
    The CONDOR UNAM-MAI project (Serendipity No. 27)
    In parallel, the design of the satellite was carried out, which we are jointly building with the Russian counterpart. This satellite has as main objective, to give the opportunity to the young engineers to participate of practical way in its development.
    Two missions were selected for CONDOR UNAM-MAI, under the interest and impact for Mexico: the remote perception of images and the verification of the seismic precursor theory in the ionosphere. This last one very discussed and attended by Russia, Japan and the United States.
    At 21, the project is still ongoing. It is a very long project because of its complexity and right now it is in the last stage. In addition to participating in the logistics and design of the project, we are building the instrumentation in Mexico to put it on board the satellite; This would be the culmination of the program.
    I can assure you that the satellite will be ready by 2015. Regarding the launch, CONDOR will go as a secondary load, so we will have to wait for the opportunity to occupy a site in a rocket, in some mission already established. It's complicated to be able to give a release date, could be in late 2015 or during 2016.
  • Earthquake forecasts using space satellites Science and technology, No.9 2016
    The Damascus chronicler Ibn al-Qalanisi reports that in the autumn of 1138 a monstrous force the earthquake destroyed the city of Aleppo and the surrounding area. The fortress, erected in these parts by the Crusaders, fell upon the heads of its defenders and buried under itself six hundred Christian knights. In total during the cataclysm killed about 230 thousand people. "Geological research of the United States" calls it the fourth most dead by an earthquake in history

    * Прогнозы землетрясений с помощью космических спутников
  • Celebran convenio Agencia Espacial Mexicana y Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México 19 de noviembre de 2016
    Mendieta Jiménez se congratuló de estrechar más los lazos con la entidad mexiquense a través de este instrumento, lo que permitirá a mediano y largo plazo comenzar a desarrollar con la UAEMéx satélites de nueva tecnología, de un promedio de 150 kilogramos.


  • Sergey A. Pulinets | Laboratorio Internacional de Precusores Ionosféricos Sísmicos | about UNAM (UNAM)
  • Reportaje Especial (Comunicación Institucional)
  • Development prospects (RSS)
  • Secret Department of the Moscow Aviation Institute (English Russia)
  • Satellites de Mexico (Wikipedia)
