2004年紀伊半島沖地震に伴うDEMETERデータとGPS TEC比較

Comparison of DEMETER electron density and GPS TEC associated with off Kii peninsula earthquake 2004

President, Kasai Design Office
* System design consulting for aerospace & defense industries, R&D and evaluation of computer algorithm, Data analysis


Total Electron Content (TEC) is analyzed on August 29, 2004 when DEMETER passed over Kii peninsula in Japan. Following figures show the TEC on every 6 min. from 10:24 to 10:48 (JST).

* 参考:Off Kii Peninsula Earthquake on September 5, 2004(NIED)


There exists the area where electron density is 5 TEC unit higher than surroundings above Sea of Japan (38N-42N, 135E-137E). Considering orbit pass and time of DEMETER, the area where a short-time increases of electron density and decrease of electron temperature detected by DEMETER is seemed to the same area above the Sea of Japan. On the contrary, the TEC around Kii peninsula is a few TEC unit lower than surrounding area. (Click for enlarge)

* 関連:GEONET perturbation TEC, 29 Aug 2004 (242_2004) (GPS-TEC Homepage)


However, the relation between the scale of a horizontal axis and the latitude on scie4.gif is not clear, DEMETER detected the anomaly between 31N and 37N because it moves in the direction of latitude a scale by about six degrees if it is thought that DEMETER passed at 30.43N immediately after the increase of electron density and the decrease of electron temperature.
Oppositely, electron density decrease between 30N and 33N by this TEC analysis and it is interesting differences. There may be related to the difference between DEMETER orbit altitude and thin spherical shell model of 350 km ionosphere altitude used by the analysis. There is no storm on this day according to the NiCT's ionospheric storm chart.

Source: DEMETER latest news (31-03-2005)

* 関連:Examples of unusual ionospheric observations made by the DEMETER satellite over seismic regions (Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 2006)